My grandmother recently passed away and my mother wants me to have her house in Corpus Christi, Texas. I would love to keep it in the family. Mortgage is paid off, however, property taxes are equalling about $57,000 from her years and years of not being able to pay before her passing. As well, the house probably wouldn't even pass inspection. I was told the garage roof is coming in, I'd like to tear the wall down separating the dining room and kitchen and I'd like to add a full sized bathroom to the master, all in all it needs a good amount of work and renovating and remodeling done to it. (Not sure what that would equal out to price wise, but those are a couple of things off the top of my head that I would like to do to it.) Meanwhile, it is livable and would be a cheap roof over my head when my best friend and I move back to Texas. Ultimate goal would be to fix it up and rent it out. In what conditions do you think it would be a good idea to jump in and take it on? Are property taxes something I can bargain with the city? Any questions, advice or input is helpful.