Originally posted by Eric Lee:
We are learning more of the in's and out's of depreciation, trying to decide how to handle depreciation on some properties....
So, in general, is it a good idea to try to minimize passive loss carryovers? .....
Eric Lee, I think the answer to that question would depend on how you plan to minimize the loss. You mention depreciation on properties. If your plan is to minimize the loss by NOT taking depreciation on the properties, that won't work. The IRS reg refers to "depreciation allowed or allowable." This means that the Service will determine the tax consequences of the transaction as though you had taken the depreciation expense, even if you do not.
If you mean to minimize the passive losses by decreasing actual operating expenses, then I would be all for that :)
I still find it amusing to hear folks talk about investing in real estate for the tax losses. That should be a side benefit, not the sole reason for the investment. Just sayin'