I recently purchased 3 unit / flat in Burbank IL (Chicago Suburb) and I inherited tenants that are month to month. My town has just changed their laws requiring leases for every rental unit with a yearly $20 permit. I do have a lease that I had previously drafted up by my lawyer which I plan to use but one of my tenants does not speak English. When I do speak to her, her daughter translates. Has anyone run into this problem and if so what did you do?
Should I?
-Pay a Spanish speaking lawyer for a new lease?
-Try to get my tenant to sign a lease she can’t read?
-Try to get the daughter to sign the lease? She’s in her early 20s
I’m leaning towards just paying the money for a new lease. They’re great tenants that I don’t want to lose but I don’t want to do anything to put myself in a bad position either. Any suggestions, experiences, or recommendation to a good Spanish speaking lawyer in the Chicagoland area would be great.