sorry for the delay in responding. still getting the hang of this BP and did not see your post. My maintenance has been surprisingly minor. up until a year ago I have been able to deal with it myself while a full-time engineer. Heater here or frozen pipe there. All are older houses, 30s-50s, so most have window a/c. I wish i could buy in bulk. I read the students the riot act on partying and have never had any serious damage. messes are another thing because they don't clean much. I send a letter in March to remind them of what it will take to get the deposit back so the place better be clean. Usually isn't. Cleanup is made easier by renting to girls who will spit shine a place even if i was to sink a bundle into cleaning beforehand. Most want to move in early to store stuff they don't want to take home, so in exchange for limiting my time available to get in and cleanup, they are eager to do it for me.
you have a point about the eviction but i seriously doubt it will happen. It would hurt like ell if it happened yes, but they would be on the street with little option for another place in this town, so acceptable behavior is the norm. i also visit regularly, and watch my houses like a hawk. While kids today don't have a lot of practical experience, most are respectful and i have never had one argue with me or sass me if they have done wrong.