If you want to learn more about investing in notes / paper, plan to attend the NoteWorthy Note Investor's Summit February 27 -29th in Anaheim, CA. The event will be held at the Sheraton right across from Disneyland and will feature industry experts from around the country. Learn about the latest in the industry. What to expect in the coming year in relation to inventory and regulations.
This IS NOT a pitch fest. Speakers will not be selling from stage and will be focusing strictly on educating you on real tactics you can use to invest in notes. There will be no courses to buy and no encouragement to run to the back of the room for a "one time only deal". We will have speakers on the following topics:
- How to source notes
- How to raise all the private money you'll need
- Syndication for notes and apartments
- How to build an owner financing portfolio with REOs
- Best practices for brokering notes
- Much, much more
There will be note inventory on hand and a trade desk if you are interested in buying or selling a note that you have. We'll also be giving away a partial note at the event!
For more information and to purchase a ticket, visit
www.noteworthysummit.com Enter PROMO CODE
NOTEWORTHY250 to save $250 off of your ticket