I am the landlord in a rent-controlled, owner-occupied triplex in Oakland. When we purchased the property we allowed our two tenants to use the (free) onsite laundry. One of those tenants was already established when we purchased the property (and he didnt previously have any access to the laundry), while the second tenant moved in after we purchased the property and thus when she signed the lease the onsite laundry was likely a consideration for her in her decision to move in.
We are planning a remodel in our kitchen that will result in the removal of the onsite washer/dryer from the enclosed laundry porch outside our kitchen. We do not plan to replace the appliances. As such, my thinking is that this constitutes a reduction of services for our female tenant who signed the lease with onsite laundry as a consideration, but not a reduction of services for the male tenant who signed his lease before onsite laundry was available. Neither lease specifies that onsite laundry is provided.
My question is this: do we have an obligation to offer a rent reduction to one or both of our tenants when we notify them of the reduction of services associated with removing the laundry machines? If so, what would be an appropriate monthly rent reduction to offer? My thought was a $50-$75 monthly rent reduction for our female tenant to compensate for the cost of doing laundry elsewhere plus the time it would take her to walk the two blocks to the nearest laundromat. I'm looking for any input from those who have been in similar situations, and any possible legal issues I might not be considering, before I inform the tenants of the laundry removal and propose a formal rent reduction to the female tenant to compensate her for this change.
Thank you!