This is a Utah property @Shazia Chiu. It is in Murray.
@Brie Schmidt it was in the CC&Rs when I bought the place seven years ago. One of the statutes was that they would only allow 10% renters in the complex and you had to live in it for a year first. I emailed the board when I purchased the place asking about this as there were far more renters than 10% at the time. They told me that was a rule they weren't enforcing. But now, new Property manager, new HOA board and they decide they're wanting to enforce it. I brought up my old email, and they said that was an old board and they're going to start enforcing the bylaws.
I recognize that is on me for buying the place when that was in there, I just think this is a really poor decision if even 30 of these condos hit the market at once, it is going to destroy property values.
@Ray Harrell They want me to provide utility bills for a year in my name, but even then they're now enforcing that only 10% of the complex can be rented out. I just think this is a rash decision by the board in a 70 unit complex when possibly half of them could be hitting the market at once. This just seems like a terrible idea to enforce this rule finally in such an egregious manner.