To make a long story short, this imbecile of a plumber melted my acrylic tub with his soldering gun, after specifically being told to cover it and being provided with a large piece of cardboard. Needless to say he's done, but unfortunately so is the damage, and I'm hoping someone might have a creative (and hopefully inexpensive) solution.
This tub is brand new (less than 2 weeks), and we've just had all new tile put in last week (typical shower/bath setup in an older bungalow). I have attached a picture of what this melted part looks like, and I'm wondering if part of the problem is that it might have been dirty while he was working, and dirt got mixed in with the melting, making it look discoloured. I've scrubbed it as much as possible and it hasn't improved. It is right beside the drain, spread out in an area that's about 3" x 3".
Does there exist any kind of acrylic repair product (I have used enamel repair products for chips in a stove, maybe something similar)? So far I'm thinking my only potential option would be to have to take the bottom few layers of tile out, replace the tub, then have to get the tile guy to try and put all the backing, waterproofing, and leveling stuff back, re-tile it, and re-grouting it - but I don't even know that's a possibility or if he'd have to take it almost all apart to get it level and water-proofed. And even if he can, I'm willing to bet that tile and grout will probably not look as good as it does now. But I'd never had to do that, so I don't know.
Any solution ideas are appreciated, thank you!