This is the story,
We purchased a property at a trustee sale back in November and reached out to the previous owner offering cash for keys; they declined our offer and we began the eviction process. The judge has already signed off on our eviction however the courts lack of efficiency allowed for the previous homeowner to file a demurer which we now have a pending court date for. We were assuming the judge would dismiss it and we would proceed with our eviction. Well today we received a lawsuit from the previous homeowner suing the lender for not following the proper foreclosure process and that the trustee deed sale should be void.
My thoughts are the decision for the eviction was already established before the lawsuit had already taken place but knowing the court system I’m sure it won’t matter since now the validity of the trustee sale is in question.
I’m just looking for any feedback or thoughts on this situation. Have you or anyone you’ve known gone through this scenario with a trustee sale?
Thanks in advance for your time!