it is typical not to see the units prior to making an offer. But your offer should be subject to seeing all the units. Honestly there are buyers who are willing to buy without even seeing any units. I am not one of them. Most of the money is in the basement. I have put in offers on buildings with only seeing the outside and the basement, and they usually work out. In a Worcester 3 decker the units can be terrible and you can overcome that. If the outside and the basement are terrible, it is hard to overcome that. Take the pricing this way. Figure you have a $400k 3 decker. These are the things you can price from the outside and the basement. Roof $15k, Siding $25k , Windows $15k, Doors $10k, steps/decks $30k now in the basement. Heating systems $30k, Electrical $30k, just the cast iron soil stack $10k. THAT is $165k of stuff that can be done or partly done. you can redo a whole unit for $40k and make it wonderful. Let me know if you want me to show you the difference in Worcester. Im out every weekend