@Ashish Acharya & @Michael Plaks - It is only my second home and while my Son works a little, I had saved the money for his college housing expenses already and am using those funds to cover his part of the housing costs (which is still less than what he'd be paying to live on campus). And I do claim his as a dependent still.
So as I understand, I will have to take all of the qualified expenses and only use 2/3 of them on Schedule E and then be able to deduct 1/3 of the mortgage interest on Schedule A.
What about the costs of acquiring the property? We bought the house with the long term intent of a buy and hold rental (that our Son would live in for his last 3 to 3.5 years of school) even though it would also be treated as a 2nd home until our Son graduates. We traveled up to Idaho to look at properties and then all of the acquisition/closing costs and the expenses in repairs and getting it ready for renting.
We bought it in April and did not have it occupied until August. Do I treat everything as a 1/3 home and 2/3 rental right from the start?
Do you know if this type of scenario is spelled out in an IRS form? I have done my own tax returns for the last few years with TurboTax and would like to going forward but am wondering if this year may be too complicated for me to tackle on my own.