I wanted to know if anyone knows a way to either break a lease or evict a roommate/tenant in the Presidio? I won't go into all the details but here's the cliff notes version...tenant #1 has been living in the house for over 7 years but hasn't been on the lease, tenants #2-4 have all lived in the house for appx. 2.5 years and are on the lease. All parties have paid rent on time throughout and have never had any problems until last week when a letter "randomly" came from the Presidio Trust saying they had become aware of an unauthorized tenant living in the house. They asked that person come to the office and go through the normal application process. Tenant #1 went to the office and was told that he would be allowed an opportunity to join the lease pending the results of the app but also on the condition that all three current lease holders agreed to allow them onto the lease. Two of the three agreed but one person refused for petty, selfish reasons (putting it VERY lightly). The other two lease holders are livid she is taking this stance and want nothing to do with her anymore and want tenant #1 to be allowed to stay. Tenant #1 would have no problem passing their background check at this time.
Are there any mechanisms or ways that they can make her move out or break the lease entirely? They are the majority in both numbers and in amount of rent paid. The problem tenant pays the least amount of rent by a wide margin. There are also other houses currently available that they would move into and sign a new lease for should that be an option.
Appreciate any help and insights!