Hey Everyone this is the 2nd time I’m posting this, just love to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions….
I found a strictly commission only job from this real estate group on Indeed. The reason why I was so attracted to it was because of the experience “Real Estate Acquisition Analyst” Is the job. I wasn’t in it for the money… at least not yet….
The job post description on indeed was to learn market comps and analyze deals etc… etc… like a real estate acquisition would.
I found out this “group” was smaller than I thought. It was made of TWO brothers and a property manager. Brother A does project management/prop management/ and a bit of acquisitions. Brother B is the most experienced and talks to lenders brokers etc…
The first month was FANTASTIC, a newbies dream! I got to shadow Brother A negotiate with sellers, wholesale a live deal, look at the red flags inside/outside a prop. And even meet great investors. I even got to meet this multi millionaire who owns 6 apartment complexes and now have his personal cell! The experience was phenomenal!!!
However now I’m 2 and a half months in, haven’t closed a deal yet….
Here’s where it sucked After that first month they basically put me off on my own making 6-8hrs of phone calls alone in my room and said “Call us if you have any questions”
I was really starting to rethink this job and my value of time…. The biggest problem is I see is that the brothers have a strict criteria they want 50-90k a unit in some markets in California. After taking to many brokers/realtors the past 2 months they’ve been saying to me “you won’t find those numbers here” and I relayed that to the brothers and they said “They always say that stuff, they just want the most commission the deals are out there keep searching!”
During my 2 months and a half with them I realized the two other people who were in training with me in the beginning when I joined either to have, A.) Went Silent or B.) Completely quit.
I find it tough especially when the brothers give me a bunch of leads and the average market unit per door is 200-300k maybe lowest 140k per door if your lucky. I’ve been getting slammed w No’s and sellers being offended by my offer, my output has drastically dropped and I went from calling 100 props a day to roughly 60-80 now. They would constantly tell me keep calling increase output “It’s a numbers game”
The motivation is hard especially when their criteria is a tough ask. I’ve gotten sellers to drop their prices MULTIPLE of times and one even dropped down 50k one time for this 4 plex at a good location. However the brothers still said we need it between that 50-90 per unit range.
They would send me Instagram reels and videos here and there on objections and scripts for tips and motivation. If I could describe this job it’s more of being a “wholesaler” rather than an “Real Estate Acquisition Analyst”
Their Commissions:
- 2 units $2,500
- 4 units $5,000
- 4 units of more (+) $7,500
I talked to some people and Realtors and they told me to quit that job. The only thing keeping me back right now is not closing a deal, I just want to be able to know that experience first hand with a seller and shake their hand,then quit. But not sure how much longer before my head bursts….
Let me know what you guys would do 🙏🙏🙏