Thanks Alicia or taking this on. What a great gift you are giving us by running this book club. I have never been a part of a book club before. I feel it will hold me a bit more accountable to my reading goals :)
I opened my first business just before I closed on a property at the end of last month. So, I am an infant in all of this as of date.
I do separate by personal and business expenses in separate accounting software and bank accounts.
I just created my personal P&L. It is close to what I had expected. A little on the lower end :( I do have a business P&L, mainly because I use Quickbooks Online. So, I just download a report. It's pretty much as expected since I am in the rehab part of the process.
I use Quickbooks Online to track my business. I use google sheets to track my personal.
I do like to see all three metrics in my P&L. However, I like to see the overall aspect of the company first. So, the net profit margin would be the key one I like. This number would que me to look deeper if it changed one way or the other.
I have only evaluated one property so far (for real) but I have practiced evaluating several prior to the actual one I purchased. I looked for both cash-flow and appreciation. In a few years, I may answer this differently when I have several to review from :) But for now, it's the cash-flow and appreciation.
I am enjoying this book so far. The education is priceless. It's one thing to have a formula, but it's a whole nother ball game to be able to understand what each number means and how it will affect the outcome of different scenarios.