Hello - I am in a situation where I have a new tenant and this is their first official month they are paying me rent and they have already told me a bunch of lies regarding why they wont be paying in time. I plan on evicting if all goes as planned, as my experience with them in the first month has been a disaster. Separately, utilities took 2 weeks to transfer over but specifically for the water, they told me it was transferring but ended up being a lie and they have been a little over a week with no water. The water provider called me asking if x person was on the lease because the application was under their name but they in fact were not on the lease. Because of this I believe they are not able to get water, either they are not who they say they are or they have some kind of balance. is there anything I can do too regarding the water situation? My concern is the condition the home will be if they are living without water.