You're struggling to get more motivated house seller leads or any other type of customer lead for your particular business! You've tried all the old school techniques such as yellow letters, direct mail, flyers, yard signs and a few online tools perhaps Craigslist, a data service or two and are frustrated about the no, low or inefficient results. Well, no wonder, its a shotgun approach with a high time and money waste ratio.
Guess what - We have a super-effective way of getting you any type of lead you want. What are we talking about? Targeted, online, real time lead marketing. Yep, we do this before breakfast and all day long.
The potential is enormous and we wonder why most real estate entrepreneurs are not making use of it. I mean c’mon, the internet wasn’t invented yesterday so let's use it. But we get it, you don’t have time nor the nerve to learn all the insane ins & outs of diving into the universe of Facebook advertising. And you shouldn’t. You need to leverage your team, scale and grow your business.
No wasting time and money on people that are not interested in buying or selling. Every lead you receive from us WANTS to be contacted by you and is ready to go. This saves you from those cold and angry client calls that waste your time and drag you down.
Why Facebook? Why not Google, LinkedIn or other labor and cost intensive channels? Because Facebook is currently the most underrated, cheapest, most effective and efficient way to advertise today.
Who is this for? Realtors, brokers, property managers, general contractors, CPAs, attorneys, lenders, mortgage brokers, wholesalers, flippers, investors - everybody who wants real time motivated customer leads coming in every week.
We can even offer you lead exclusivity. But wait, there’s more!
( I couldn't resist ;-) )
Drum roll… on top of that we give you a one week FREE trial to check us out and see if this works for you and yields any usable results.
So - if you want to scale up your income and have time to receive 5-10 more real time and motivated quality leads per week, than don't hesitate to schedule a call with us so we can answer all your questions and get you on your free trial as soon as you're ready!
My team has put together a short two minute read for you to get a quick overview.
Cheers, The Breeze Marketing Team