Originally posted by @Ryan Lee:
thanks for the info, So after 2 years I can start foreclosure or I have to wait an additional 5 years for a total of 7? or I have until 7 years to foreclose, so i can collect the interest for 7 years. So even if i have the lien and i start to foreclose I have to bid on the deed? The last line of your paragraph is a little confusing.
As Wayne noted, it is not technically a foreclosure but you are requesting that the county proceed with the auction process. To answer your question, you can request this after the 2 year point. Most of the counties will list the date on their website and you have up to 5 years after that point in which to request the auction. After that time(7 years after issuance), if you have not requested the auction, then the certificate becomes void.
You have to submit to the county all of the funds that are owed on the property such as other past due taxes, advertising fees, sheriff's notifications, etc. So you could feasibly purchase a tax cert for $1,000 and still have to front another $5,000(as an example) for other taxes and fees. This makes the opening bid $6,000. From there, you would have to be the high bidder in order to gain the property.
I think of tax certs more like a CD. In FL, the minimum return is 5%. You may have to wait 10 days, you may have to wait 10 months. But after 2 years, you can decide if you want to pursue the auction. Yes, interest accrues for as long as the cert is active and not redeemed