My relative died and left his fairly new home to my mother, and we were wondering whether to Airbnb or rent it out. She is very stubborn and says she’s tired of maintaining and paying the bills every month, she is eager to just move a tenant in. Im the opposite, I recently had to sue a company for a product defect, so evictions and court proceedings imo can make you go insane.
She has screened a few people interested from Facebook, and she’s set her mind on a couple living in a very bad apartments from another state, who want to move in immediately (like next week). Home is worth about $200k, my mother wants to rent it out for 1400/month.
The tenant she wants to move in is a woman with 3 kids and a guy, income is $2720 (but my mother says the guy makes the same income). I listed the home on Zillow so they could do a background check, and the woman is the only one who has done it (guy says he will do his shortly). Here’s what Zillow shows:
Credit score is about 640
one time payments: 81%
total debt $15k
open accounts are all student loans which has a note that says dispute resolved - consumer disagrees.
Closed accounts has an auto loan for $9k that says B2 (chapter 7,11, or 12 bankruptcy). This is from 2022 up to now in 2024.
Collections has $3200 in creditors from several creditors (southwest credit system, Louisiana recovery services, etc.).
Here’s what I have a funny feeling about. She says she is moving to get out of that place and do better for her kids. These are apartments they are living are the worst in the city. Like imo if your household income with that guy is like $5400, you have no business being there (literally my other was shot at multiple times). They claim they are religious (he is a youth pastor) and don’t smoke (but they look like the do) and image wise are tatted from head to toe and don’t come off like they say.
I am posting this because my mother goes off on me and says I’m negative because over the last 2 months of tenants applying through Zillow I have seen so many collections, 500 credit scores, and applicants saying on thing, but then asking can she accept housing. So I told her BP members are experts and know more than both of us. I think she should Airbnb, she thinks she should go with these applicants.
I’m a complete novice to Real estate, so I suggested that she does a first, last months rent, and a 25% deposit, plus background check fee (all of which they said they have and will do). I tell her she should get a contract, which my mother tells me she can go to Walmart and get a contract and that will settle that, and my relative left his entire home furnished, so imo that makes more sense to air bnb but I’m not expert
I’m wondering are there anything to look out for or avoid a migraine with? I suggested Airbnb because that avoids moving all these TVs, beds, and everything so hastily, and it’s basically turn key. She has it made up in her mind these are the right tenants and wants to empty the home asap.
Thanks in advance!