Hi my name is Brandon. I'm 21 years old and I've decided that investing in real estate is what I want to do until I retire. I've read a few things online about flipping houses, but i feel like it would really help me out if i joined a community if like-minded individuals who can share some advice and help me on my path to financial freedom.
As of right now I have no credit, and no money. I just started a new job selling cars, and the average salary for the place i work is around 60,000/year, so when i get my first paycheck i can start saving. I want to start as soon as possible, and im very disciplined with my money.
I have no credit at all. I've never owned a credit card, and never used an auto loan to get my car. I'm a clean slate.
If you were in my situation, what would you do to get into the real estate business? With no credit i wont be starting anytime soon, so I might as well use this time to invest in myself. Are there any popular beginner threads I should take a look at? Any books?
Any advice would be appreciated.