Good Morning. I am having an issue with my Landlord. I rent a shared apartment.
We signed a 3 Month Rental agreement (Apr-Jun)where I paid my rent in full and we discussed the possibility of extending nearer the end of the term. and that I would let him know if i can extend. Due to COVID effecting my residency i no know i will have to leave. I explained my circumstances with him prior that i would know once the gov released an update. He came by the house on the 1st to collect rent, I explained that it is certain i will be leaving at the end., Later at work(Nightshift) the gov released the update early hrs of the 2nd, and I sent my notice in ([email protected]). He is now charging 260$ of my deposit for the late notice. It is signed in the agreement theses would be charged. My question is what option for trying to get my deposit back? As this money is NEEDED/ESSENTIAL for leaving the country
I would also like to get views from other landlords. What do you think/ what would you do (If i was your Tennant, No judgment)
I feel like this is a lot of money for what i would consider a petty reason. Even more so during a pandemic. (Yes I'm playing the COVID card)
I have been following and learning from BP and other resources to become an investor myself. I am aware it is not good to jump on the defensive and to look at it from the landlord's perspective.