Congrats - Columbus is a great market! It is totally feasible for you to self manage, even if you're just getting started. In fact, BP just released a new book on self managing written by Grace Gudenkauf and Amelia McGee from the Women Invest In Real Estate (WIIRE) podcast. I recommend you start by reading that. There are a lot of options out there for your tech stack. I've used a lot of different programs, but currently I'm using Baselane for banking, bookkeeping and rent collection along with their partner Rocket Lawyer for lease creation and another partner, TransUnion, for background checks. I love that with Baselane you can access all of these through your dashboard. It's very streamlined. Whatever program you choose, you'll want to run a credit check, criminal background check and eviction check. The tenant pays for it (~$40) and the report comes to your inbox. Make sure you use a state-specific lease so that you are incorporating any specific regulations and disclosures relevant to the state you're doing business in. Don't forget to verify income, too. Most people provide recent paystubs and/or a letter from their company HR department verifying their current employment and monthly take home pay.