@Eric Carlstrom
Regarding taxes, be sure you are not paying too much and that your CPA/tax professional is up-to-date on the regulations. I see too many depreciation schedules done on 27.5 day depreciation schedules for STRs. This is a red flag for the IRS. All short-term rentals of less than an average of 30 days per year belong on 39 year depreciation schedules.
You can only occupy your STR 14 days per year and not more than 10% of the actual rental days by tenants. You may be better off renting another property for your own vacation stay than staying in yours; why put up a red flag for the IRS?
There is another tax benefit you may not be leveraging. Get a no-cost estimate for an engineering-based cost segregation study on every investment property you own over $250K in purchase price. You are likely leaving thousands of dollars in tax benefits and cash flow on the table. I am available if you have questions or need a study.