Thanks! I'm itemizing every single thing I can think of e.g. water heater, lights, faucets, counter tops, permits, surveying, plumbing, electrical, septic, lights, inspections, gutters, dump fee, insulation, framing, exteriror finish, interior finish, networking, solar (although it isn't really cost effective, I really really want a tesla roof), chimney, heat pump, windows, interior doors, exterior doors, garage doors, locks, sinks, showers, etc. with exact models and prices to help me get in the ballpark. I'm also going to online calculators for insulation, driveways etc - and I'll just have to hope they are remotely accurate. My situation is this - I've never built a house but just about every house I've ever looked at would require so much overhaul to get me close to what I want for room sizes, room layouts etc. I'd hate to spend my life savings to get about 70% there if you know what I mean. I'm not very good at compromise :) I've already figured out what I thought was generous might be about 15% lower than I need.