@Bill B. using your source you are actually incorrect. Daily deaths the last four days in the US are as follows....113,141,225 and 247. Not sure where today (March 26) will end but daily new cases are following the same trajectory.
I'm also not sure why you made a point to call me out when @Brad F. above said cases had peaked with only "64 cases in the last few days" without citing where that information came from. Unless I missed something in his post it's completely untrue.
And yes lots of people die every day of various things. The point that so many people are still failing to realize and I'm not quite sure why is what happens if this gets really big and thousands start to die every day? You may not care or think that's possible, but do you really think our government would essentially shut down our economy for a month just because 100 people are dying a day? They clearly have seen what's possible if they don't take drastic action. Now we can debate what that will do to real estate all day long, but if we can't agree on the same set of facts about cases and death then what's the point.