So here we go:
I have two properties that I own (mortgage), in two different states. I bought these homes strictly out of the amenities they gave me as an occupant and at the time I never considered being a rental real estate investor. Fast forward past a few popular books, hundred podcast i find myself asking if I should sell these and reinvest the money with some strategy behind it (never did this in the beginning).
Property ONE:
Market Value $365,000
Owe $285,000
Mortgage is 30yr fixed 4.18% $1468/month
HOA is $150
Rent is $1875/month 1 year contract
What is nice about this property is I play property manager and the HOA really takes care of everything. I am stretched out with this house and don't think ill be able to get much more than maybe $1900/month right now.
Should I sell it, keep it, thoughts?
Property TWO:
Market Value $210,000
Owe $130,000
Mortgage is 30yr fixed 3.75% $880/month
Bought this with 5% down PMI falls off next year savings of $80/month
Rent is $975/month 3 year contract
Rent is really saturated in this area and I found an elderly couple and this property is across the street from the sons house how basically does 100% of the maintenance on the property.
Should I sell it, keep it thoughts?
My gut tells me that I have some capital in either of these home that I could reinvest in a "better" rental market. Please remember I bought these with no thoughts of ever renting them out so please forgive me I was young and new.