Thank you for your replies and insight.
@Anna M. - I am aware on the Federal level the equal housing / the fair housing act applies, however what Im finding when researching is that things can be different based on the State and even the municipality your property resides in. For example, from what I have found if you are in California it is not legal to even ask a potential tenant about their residency status while if you are in Oklahoma it is a felony if you rent to an undocumented immigrant.
@Nathan Gesner - I also have set criteria when screening the applicant, including providing a photo ID and SS #. So technically I would not rent to them in this situation.
However, I was interested to know specifically in Florida, because that is where my properties are located, if there are any laws speaking to this. I was actually surprised at how difficult it was to research concrete information on this subject.
I think the best answer is consult an attorney, but I am still interested to hear what others on this forum have to say. Thanks