I have a tenant that was great for the 1st year, no issues, hardly any requests, always paid rent (a few days late usually). However, at the end of the 1 year lease they said they were going to try and find a bigger place but needed more time to find one. They asked to do a month-to-month lease until they found another place. Since I wasn't having any issues with them I agreed to it and sent them a lease to sign. Before they signed it they gave their 45 day notice because they found another place. That was 5 months ago. Apparently their other place fell through so they weren't able to move. Since this time, I have had several issues; first they didn't pay their rent for a month, and now I am receiving reports of cigarette smoke in the apartment next door from them. At this point I just want them out because they have become a nuisance.
Can I end the month-to-month lease I have with them by giving them a 30 day notice? Does anyone know the PA state requirements for this? And any suggestions on ensuring they leave at the end of the 30 days/notice period?
Thank you for any help!