Ok I have been in commercial real estate for 20 years. I have been at this site from very early on and watched it change over the decades.
I would not say a BP convention has no value. It just has different values to different people based on the point in their investing careers.
People that already have high wealth for many it's not the best use of their time. It's more for the starters making the first million or two. Back in the old days on here we learned on the forums and put into practice there were no conventions. The cost of a convention folks to put one on is very high. To sell tickets often conventions pack as many speakers as possible to prove value.
I used to go speak at conventions ( not BP ). They were investors doing side BP conventions before it was an official thing and when you have 30 to 45 minutes to speak it's just not a very long time. I like to vacation with family. I don't like to mix business but that is just me and my values. To others it's a 2 for 1 kind of thing. I would not go to Mexico for free with all that crime and gangs.
I found I can be interviewed on 10 different podcasts shows from the comfort of my house and they do all the editing and promoting the episode to their followers. I have maybe 14 hours into the 10 shows of time.
I do think these conventions ARE GOOD for newer people wanting total immersion on a bunch of different topics to see what peaks their interest and to make connections with others. Some people need a bunch of connection for motivation and others are self-starters needing very little to get going. Both are fine just different in approaches. Just like investments there are tons of ways to exist and do business.
Time can change people. As you age money becomes less of a number one spot motivation to experiences and memories. Working long hours tends to lose it's luster.
Being in the NNN space for commercial for passive wealth I have talked with thousands of millionaires over the decades on the phone and built lasting relationships. You get to talk to all age groups and walks of life. You hear their life stories and learn so much more about life than another dollar.
I get the hunger to escape the rate race wanting more. That was me 20 years ago with not 2 pennies to rub together. That was also similar to Josh starting this site trying to get ahead. Everyone wants a better life for themselves and their families. It's human nature.
The first million is the hardest. The next couple million tend to get easier. The reason is you have knowledge and experience and tend to mess up less and make more informed decisions. You tend to have breathing room to cover living expenses and more time to think on next investments to scale and grow the portfolio.
That's very hard to do when trying to scratch and claw to get a start wondering where money is coming from to eat and pay the bills to survive another day. Money means nothing without your health, time, and family to enjoy. I have seen wealth at all different levels. At the core when you strip the money away people are the same. They did research with poor to middle class people and the wealthy.
About 85% said the same thing they valued memories and happy experiences with friends and family. They wanted people to think well of them being a good person. That is what fulfilled them regardless of net worth levels. People want a purpose and to be happy day to day. Becoming wealthy doesn't change their core it can just help them live their ideal life on a daily basis. I am living proof of that.
So if you see value in the convention then go for it. Have a great time and make connections.
I might eventually do a convention solely on NNN I put on but it will be in GA.
Bigger Pockets is more global now. It's not worse or better just different how it has evolved over the decades.