As for you to hold or short sale there are a ton of variables to consider. You need to run an analysis of possible exit strategies,the time lines,and the damage caused and emotional toll it will take on you.
First was this a rental you rented out simply because you couldn't sell??
In other words you didn't plan to get into investing and have no plans in the future to do more.
Right now every area is local in how the market is performing.Because of the foreclosure robo signing and lawsuits some banks have frozen putting property on the market.
This has built up a shadow inventory that once the banks checks come up clean that no problems occured many properties will hit the market REO.
So you need to analyze first what is your mortgage payoff?? This is different than your monthly payment stubs.Call your lender and order it to get the amount.Next do you have any other liens on the property??
Check title to make sure.
Next get a market snapshot from a local broker/agent.You want to know how much the market is depreciating per month,flat,or increasing and inventory levels.Average selling time and how many properties are being absorbed every month and how many are hitting the market.
When selling how much is the average concessions given?
If there has been a recent spike in values going up in the last 30 to 60 days most likely do not count it.It is most likely from a freeze on the foreclosures and a false spike in the market with supply and demand.
Once other properties are released the values will go down most likely further with a flooding of the market just like what happened with the home buyer tax credit when it expired.
Now that you have your payoff amount and data have the agent run market values for the bottom 50% of solds.
Then have the agent take away average concession,commissions,closing costs,etc. to give you your net number which is the payoff to the bank.Subtract that from your payoff amount to get an estimate of cash to close.
If it's a small number maybe you just get a promissory note.If It's a huge amount you could do promissory and than file BK afterwords.If you have a ton of other debt you need to wipe out a ch 7 might be best for you anyways.
Short sales impact your credit scores but you can get back up after about 1 year.
Hope this helps.