@Account ClosedThe PropertyLeadsPro system was built for investors who are looking for motivated sellers and who want some type of exclusivity without a high cost. With this product, we are focused primarily on the local investor who is mid-sized... buying a few properties each month and either rehabbing or wholesaling them. This investor needs more motivated seller leads, but doesn't want to spend the time or money on a complex system. They just need to see what's going on in their marketplace and be able to talk to potential sellers. Most of them don't like cold-calling, so reaching out to someone who has already expressed an interest in selling (but not necessarily listed on MLS) is easier for them.
We have another system, ReTraxxPro, that allows the serious investor to dig deep for off-market properties that are in distress. That product combines assessor data with tax delinquencies, code violations, and other data to find properties that are in distress and filter by other criteria (non-owner occupied, zip code, square footage, etc.) to come up with a very precise, targeted list. ReTraxxPro is overkill for the average investor, but it's incredibly effective for the professional investor.
We also have another product, BirdDogg, that helps the investor build and train a network of bird dogs so they have "boots on the ground" letting them know about vacant and distressed properties.
I've been an investor for over 20 years and have built this software for my own, personal use. Only after I have found success with them have I made them available to fellow investors.