@Makenzie Kelly
They are part of IU Health, which means they have the backing of Indiana University. I'm certain if it ends up being that much, they would have no problem securing the funds.
@Matthew Schroeder
I drove the length of Capitol from about Kessler all the way down to Zesko (640 Capital) to pick up some kitchen goods after reading that article. I was incredibly impressed with the area north of 40th all the way through Kessler. A lot of nice homes with big yards and intricate decor.
South of 40th and especially around 16th street, it was the complete opposite. Chain link fences, houses with bad paint, cars without wheels. I didn't feel endangered, but i didn't get the feeling that residential development could be supported with rents that are existing in that area. I think the IBJ really oversold the potential boon to the area.
But, that being said, state of the art Hospital Facilities facilities matched with the Indiana University Health System could bring a lot more people into the area. This combined with the other redevopment we are seeing on 16th St further east from Delaware -> as far as Park could offer potential in that 5 - 10 year time frame you mentioned.
Maybe I would buy if I were a hedge fund.