Originally posted by Debbie Butler:
Originally posted by Chris Pelach:
What rights, and we need specific examples here, are being taken away by the current administration? Are they the same ones that were taken away by Bush that caused millions to move up to Canada?
1) My right to choose my health care and my doctor is in jeopardy.
2) My right to reap the benefits of my hard work. I do not work to support lazy underachievers. I should not be ashamed of being successful.
3) My right to feel safe in my own country. Now we're reading Miranda rights to terrorists?!? Good Lord!
4) My right to bear arms. If he has his way, the 2nd Amendment will be obliterated.
5) Companies rights to set the salaries for their OWN executives. Since when did the Constitution give government control over private sector business? And I'm not talking about bailout bums.
I could go on...
Bush wasn't the best, but he wasn't a socialist, either. And, the people who moved to Canada probably belong there anyway
1. Hasn't happened, and well, most people with health insurance have no choice than what is provided through their employer, and individual policies do often have restrictions on which doctors, clinics, and hospitals (for non-emergency care) that the insured can use.
2. You've been supporting the lazy underachievers ever since you drew your first check. Has nothing to do with the Obama admin.
3. How the hell can you possible define the right to "feel safe?" I feel completely safe. Spare us the paranoia. If you drive a car, you're far more likely to die from that than you are to be a victim of a terror attack.
4. Really? We're going on hypothetical suppositions now? What has Obama done as far as gun rights are concerned since he has been in office? The fact that gun and ammo sales have gone way up only means that people have bought more. It doesn't mean that the 2nd Amendment has been stripped.
5. When the government has to prop those businesses up, they are no longer in the private sector. I don't follow that stuff much so I don't know if Obama has proposed limiting executive pay for companies that have received no financial assistance from Uncle Sugar. If he has, that really sucks, and #5 would be your first valid point.
And finally, nobody moved to Canada. Lots said they would because Bush and the Patriot Act were supposedly stripping our individual rights, but nothing changed, and nobody left.