Sorry, I'll try to be more clear. I bought the home as a HUD and lived in it 10 years, systematically remodeling it over that time. The house was 20+ years old and in good condition at the time of sale. The buyer paid for an inspection that turned up a few minor problems that were taken care of prior to closing. We both used the same agent.
6-8 months later I received a certified letter claiming numerous things I failed to disclose. Most of them were minor things like cleaning out the fireplace, laundry vent, repair of sprinkler heads and insect problems. All these areas were viewed by the inspector and nothing was mentioned negatively in the report. I was there during the inspection, the buyer was not.
Anyway, the buyer threatened the agent and the inspector with a lawsiut and they both settled for about $2500 each. Now, almost 3 years later and after several threatening certified letters, she is taking me to small claims court for the $7500 difference. The most expensive item on her claim is the front bathtub that she recently discovered the sheet rock behind the tile was rotted. Over $6000 for this newly discovered problem.
Any advice or opinions appreciated,