@Michael Plaks
As I've said in the past, in response to your posts, BP has got to provide something more effusive than a "vote!"
I'm with you all the way on this, which is the purpose of my posts and what has driven me to get involved in these tax services. Hopefully, bridging the chasm between tax tools and tax advisory.
Land allocation is a complex topic, with 80/15 "rule" being baseless, but widely used. We use tax assessor as a default because it has substantial basis (pun absolutely intended!) and explain the context to investors. We're glad to update the report based on specific request from the taxpayer or their tax professional. (Yes, there are requests to apply the 85/15, 80/20, 75/25, 70/30 "rules;" more so than requests to update based on appraisal.)
Would actually be glad to get involved in more complex land valuation, but for that to have any success there's got to be greater awareness and advocacy on the part of taxpayers and their tax professionals.
Overall, astute and expert tax professionals like you are better for investors and better for us, as we're in total alignment. Alas, @Michael Plaks, you're truly exceptional!