1. I didn't miss a key point here, I am fully aware that you are borrowing from the insurance company which is why there was two separate calculations when computing the returns and why the full amount of the hypothetical 100k initial investment is still growing at 6% annually. QUOTE: (.4* 90k) + (.06*100k) = $9,600. (which is a 9.6% total return). Please ensure that my math is actually wrong before jumping in to correct me that I 'missed' something.
2. It 1000% absolutely matters what the spread is. If you're borrowing at 8% and earning 6%, then you are losing money every time you take a policy loan. In this situation it would simply be more beneficial to have never put the money into the insurance policy in the first place. It only makes fiscal sense if you can borrow at a lower rate than your guaranteed earning and thus earn an arbitrage spread. It would be silly to put money into an insurance policy, just to take out a loan and lose money in the process so you can go invest, when you could just skip the insurance policy altogether and just skip straight to investing and not lose any money to loan interest fees.
3. Why are you bringing up savings account dollars? Who puts money into a savings account earning .01% interest?
4a. I didn't bash the 90% borrowing capability of the insurance loan and then praise the 50% borrowing capability of a margin loan, I don't care what the loan limit is, or what the overall strategy is, I only care about whether or not the method used actually makes money. Comparing the financial outcome of the 90% loan vs the 50% margin loan, the margin loan earned significantly more total money which is why I prefer that method and praised it.
4b. Risk profiles aren't all that different. While the cash value is guaranteed to grow, the 90% of value that you took as a loan no longer has a guarantee associated with it essentially putting 90% of your net worth at risk. If you withdraw 90k and put it in the stock market you could theoretically lose all 90k with bad decisions leaving you with a 100k policy and a 90k debt which translates into only 10k of net worth. I can theoretically lose 100% of my net worth, and you can lose 90% of your net worth, not exactly a significantly different risk profile.
5. A full paragraph to complain about my choice of verbiage of 'random' fees, but the overall point remains that life insurance has very high fees associated with it. @Thomas Rutkowski lists the fees at 15%. If you are putting 500 into your policy each month, only 425 is cash value, of which you can take a 90% loan of $382 to invest in real estate. I however have a full $500 to invest in real estate. So not only do I have an extra 118 to put towards real estate each month, but you still have to make loan payments each month which further negatively impacts your ability to save towards a down payment.
5b. "After year 3 or so, every $1 in premium paid creates MORE than $1 of new cash value." ... Yes, it's called compound interest and you are gaining 6% annually. This is how you are eventually able to break even after around year 7 when your total cash value finally balances out with the amount you have contributed to the policy. This isn't exactly magic, nor is it unique. You act like you are the only one earning compound interest and everyone else is just putting money in a savings account (which you mention MULTIPLE times in this thread). You deposit 500 which turns into 425 of cash value after fees and earn 6% on 425, while I earn 10% of the full 500. This is how I get a head start with my investing. After 7 years you finally break even with your contributions, meaning you have now contributed roughly 12*7*500 = 42k and your cash value is also roughly 42k after 7 years. But I don't need to break even since I don't pay any fees, all of my money is able to start compound growth from day 1 which is how I have a 7 year head start on my growth versus a non-overfunded account. The more you overfund your account the less of an effective head start I get, but I always get a head start of some amount since I never have fees and you do.
6. Once again, WHY are we bringing up a savings account?
7. "Its just math", I am able to earn compound interest too. Stop running numbers where you earn 6% and I earn 0.01% by keeping the money in a bank. So run the math again with me actually properly investing my money instead of putting it into the bank at 0.01% interest and lets see what "just math" says.
7b. "deposit $50k to get 100k or 150k in new cash value" There is never a point where your money instantly or magically doubles or 3x's itself into new cash value. What happens is you eventually build up to lets say a million dollar cash value, and then deposit an extra 50k, and your balance turns into 1.11m because you earned 6% or 60k interest on the 1m plus your new deposit so your value goes up by 110k. Once again this phenomenon is called compound interest and it is not unique to infinite banking or to insurance policies. I earn compound interest just like you do if you would stop running scenarios where I just put my money in a bank.
Images 1/2: One last time, WHY are you showing two charts showing a growth of a policy versus holding money in a savings account? Nobody has ever advocated putting your money in a savings account and earning sub 1% interest. That's why you keep thinking your method is so great is because you are allowing yourself to earn compound interest while comparing that to a scenario that doesn't earn any interest and just holds money in a bank. No offense but you continually trying to compare IB investing to just putting money in a savings account is laughable.
@Thomas Rutkowski Yes, setting up an incredibly difficult to understand insurance policy and letting it sit for around for a few decades will eventually beat doing absolutely nothing special but investing in hard money loans.
However, there is nothing that specifies that I have to do plain vanilla investing. If you are actively doing something with your money and setting up different insurance policies then it seems perfectly legitimate to compare it to me doing something similar and setting up a margin account as in my previous post which easily outperformed the infinite banking even without any of your fees calculated into the equation with your 9.6% total earnings versus my 11% total earnings. If we add the fees back in the numbers get a lot worse for you.
But since we are on BP, it also a fair comparison to look at actually investing in real estate, and even without taking into account any policy fees I still come out ahead because I can invest 100% of my funds into high yielding real estate where you can only invest 90%.
You: (.15*90k) + (.06*100k) = 19.5k
Me: (.2*100k)=20k.
So both the margin loan, and straight real estate investing both outperform IB even without any fees calculated in. This means it doesn't matter what your Maximum Over-Funding rate is because even with no fees whatsoever the method still isn't as efficient as other investment strategies.
If we are to further this conversation, someone is going to need to show some sort of a realistic example, fees included, where you are actively doing something with your IB funds that outperforms someone else that is actively performing some sort of similarly complex strategy.