Originally posted by @Olga Kostrova:
Ben Zimmerman, seems you were not reading my posts. (Bold font again, not sure why).
So, there is no such thing "you should have done this, and you should be ready with money that". It is and it should be what 2 people are agreed on. Period.
I am reading your posts, and I am disagreeing with you on several points.
You make it sound as if this situation is one sided, that you are right, and the agent is wrong. However it's entirely possible for both people to be right, or for both people to be wrong. I understand you're upset, and when people are upset it's human nature to only see fault in others, and not yourself. But being a neutral third party allows for viewing the scenario through a different lens.
Agents should always request an extension if their client asks, it doesn't matter if the client has a valid reason to request an extension or not, the agent should still at least ask for the extension. However, at the same time clients should do the things within their power to not require an extension in the first place and close on time as they had originally agreed to with the seller. After all per your quote the only thing that matters is 2 people doing what they agreed to, and you agreed to close in 10 days. You say you never initiated the funds transfer from your investment account because you were waiting for the HOA docs, but that is ultimately just an excuse because having those documents is not a prerequisite for you to start arranging your finances. You willingly chose to delay the transfer because you thought it would be more advantageous for you to wait.
Now it's your money, you can transfer it whenever you want. You can transfer it immediately or you can wait. You can buy a house, or you can not buy a house. You can sit or you can stand. We all make decisions every day, and those decisions have consequences both good and bad. You chose to wait to transfer your money, which has led to the current situation we are talking about.
Had you made a different decision and started the funds transfer when your offer was first accepted, you could have reviewed the documents Thursday evening, and closed on Friday as originally scheduled. Or you could have had questions about the documents and contacted the HOA for clarification Friday morning prior to closing.
Would it have been nice to receive the documents well in advance? -Of course! But fast closings are chaos, even when things go perfectly they are still inherently messy. If you are wanting to be able to do things at your own pace and not feel rushed, then you shouldn't agree to a fast 10 day closing in the first place. It would have been nice to have the HOA docs well in advance, but the only thing that technically stopped you from closing is the fact that you don't have the money ready. Everything else is just background noise.
But regardless, you are allowing a personal grudge with your agent from stopping you from moving forward. Who cares about your agent, screw them!! The only person you really need to be concerned with is yourself. You said the deal was good, so close on it! Make some money, and then never speak to your agent again. Leave them some bad reviews if that makes you feel any better, but don't walk away from deals because you have a personal thing against your agent whom you have likely never met and will certainly never meet again.
I'm still not trying to be mean, and this will be my last reply to this thread as I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your investing journey. Did the agent do some things wrong that are worth complaining about? -Probably. But you can't control what other people do, you can only control yourself. Learn from any mistakes and always be better at the next deal then the last deal. Deals will always be messy, the only thing you can do is be properly prepared so you can take decisive action when the opportunity presents itself. It sounds like this deal is going to fall apart, but I think it's important to realize that no matter what the background noise was, ultimately the only thing that stopped the purchase of the home was a lack of funds on closing date. In a perfect world you would have had the HOA docs earlier, but getting the documents the night prior didn't need to be a show stopper. Had the funds been transferred on time you could still be frustrated with your agent, while you sit at home and pop a Champaign bottle to celebrate your new purchase with family/loved ones. But because of decisions that were made, there is no celebration to be had, only the being frustrated part. -Good luck in your endeavors.