@Ahmed Saad, Congratulations on the baby. Its a lot of work, but its great, isn't it? My wife and I both grew up on Long Island. 8 years ago we moved to BK because she was having a hard time getting a job as a teacher. We fell in love with Brooklyn, and ended up purchasing here. I absolutely love it here, but as with anywhere, it comes with a lot of pros and cons. The lifestyle, restaurants, accessibility, people, things to do, culture, all incredible. Parking, crime, safety, snow, alternate side parking to name a few, a royal PITA.
We are super friendly with our tenants and they suggested we download the "Citizens" app. Heard of it? Worst thing I ever did. Get 15 alerts a night. I had 7 cops searching my backyard the other night looking for someone. LOTS of crime around me still but not at all the reason why I would be leaving the house. My wife ended up getting a job on Long Island a few years ago and does a reverse hour commute. It is a MUCH better paying position with fantastic benefits, pension, etc. All of our family is out there and we have zero help with our daughter out here and child care is super expensive in NYC. My wife has been out on maturity leave and starts teaching again today. Starting in 2 weeks, my wife will be driving my daughter with her to a family members house near her school and continuing the reverse commute. Its a lot on her...
My business is becoming more and more virtual. I have an office on Long Island and an office in Williamsburg Brooklyn. I can work a couple of days out of each office. We are also outgrowing this house. It is tight as it is, we have hardly any space for family to stay over, and if we have one more kid, we have without a doubt, outgrown this house. Sure, we toyed with the idea of buying another, bigger brownstone to live in and renting this one out, but it would just be easier overall to live out on Long Island. I really hate to say that because Long Island is a pretty lame place to be but process of elimination will end up bringing us there, its just a matter of time. We would be giving up a lot here, but as you know when you have kids, its all about them!
I do not have any partners in any property I own. I also think 500k would be plenty of a downpayment to find a deal. Im sure it would need some fixing up, but thats perfectly fine. I don't think I would cash flow much buying something else either, but I would still be invested in the neighborhood, and have 500k instead of 1M invested in it. Can do a lot with 500k. Obviously I am torn on this decision, otherwise I would have made it already. Well said on the trees in the forest, couldn't agree more. Thats what this forum is all about.