I have been looking for ways to invest and generate passive income for a little while now and stumbled across this site. The more I have been reading around here has inspired me and given me more direction to get started. I am just trying to absorb what I can online and then take some of that knowledge to start networking with people in my area.
I am interested in buying and holding property to rent in Tarrant County, I am thinking that is what appeals to me the most. I have been reading a lot and know there are tons of things that I am ignorant of or just plain wrong about. I am currently writing my business plans and trying to gather as many resources that I can so that after I get married in July, I can seriously start building some future wealth for my family!
I guess the purpose of this post is to say hi to whoever cares to read it and try to start meeting people in my area of interest to start picking their brains! I am a fast learner and would really appreciate any advice or motivation and veterans of the real estate game could provide.
Thanks for taking the time to read!