thanks for the input everybody... Maybe I can go into a little more detail
First, ultimately the share that is my parents would become mine after their death. It would be split between my brother and myself. Thus my share would become 50% after some time.
Second, we have a property manager that is paid for out of condo fees. Unless a major appliance breaks or something along those lines, we don't have to worry about that.
Third, someone pointed out the topic of it turning into a frat house... There is a condo association minimum one month rentals on the units. For the most part this really eliminates the damage associated with rentals.
Fourth, I'm not necessarily concerned with getting the mortgage to pay for itself. The condo has been there for 20 years and it's never rented out 12 months a year. 4 is more realistic from a historical perspective.
My motivation behind pursuing this is that I could own the entire property 50-50 with my sibling. We are on the same page with regards to how we run the property.