Follow up to my previous post about this:
I began looking at specifics in MO regarding the SAFE act and mobile homes. The biggest disparity between MO statutes and the Fed's is where MH's fall by definition.
In MO, MH's have always been and continue to be a "Motor Vehicle" by definition under MORevS 365.020-Motor Vehicle Time Sales. The only way that status changes is by a legally filed process called "Affixation". This statute section references "as defined in section 700.010, excluding...requirements of subsections 1 to 3 of section 700.111, as applicable..." Section 700.111 is the part that talks about affixation, which is basically changing the MH to 'Real' property by permanently affixing it to an actual foundation. It then no longer has the nice Green Motor vehicle title after that. At any time you can perform "Severance" of the trailer which simply puts it back to MV status and you get a new title for it again.
So, the real issue here is whether MO's or Fed's takes precedence as to whether seller-financing MH's falls under the licensing or originator regulations in each state. I'm sure there will be more clarification on it in the next couple of years when issues arise in the courts and professional registration boards.
Now, I'm not an attorney, so I'm not giving anybody legal advice here, just doing my own research and passing on what I'm reading.
If you keep the MH's in MO as Motor Vehicles with a Green Title, then as I read the statutes, if you sell more than 4 MH's you are required to get a MH Dealer's license (MO Dept of rev Rules state 6). You can sell those O/F all day long once you've got that so long as you follow the requirements of Chapter 365-Motor Vehicle Time Sales. It's basically treated as a Retail Installment Contract.
My bet, and this is just a very big hunch, is that if you play within the MH Dealer rules and keep the MH's as MV's, you will most likely be ok. My other suspicion is that there may be some more standards written into the laws/regs about where the MH's are located, i.e. how much land does it sit on, is it located inside a MHP, etc.
If you are buying MH's that are affixed as 'Real Property' with the recording of docs at County & MO DOR and you are re-selling those, just beware. As Bill stated earlier, better to err on the side of using a licensed loan originator and working in the $300-500 origination fee to get it right. Just do like we all do and blame everything on Congress when your buyers and sellers squawk at it.
Bill stated that a MH, per the SAFE act, is covered regardless of whether it's Real or Personal property and regardless of where it is located. I agree with this position. However, my opinion may differ somewhat in that States that already have licensing and regulations pertaining to MH's specifically will take precedence in defining those type's of residence's and investing within those respective states. Best bet: SCHEDULE a meeting with your attorney pronto if you haven't already to get your game plan in place.