Some suggestions, as we are going through this right now.
1. As SOON as you see the place going down hill, FILE for eviction. This is what FINALLY lit a fire under our Section 8 tenants who did very similar damage to our house. We are in the depths of this right now as we write this. She is making every effort, finally, to fix the gigantic mess so she doesn't lose her Golden Ticket. We go back up there tomorrow to see how she is coming along, but we are prepared to follow through with the eviction. The judge granted her a continuance to get more cleaned up and repaired.
2. Never carpet the steps or hallways, and maybe not even the bedrooms. they will only get trashed!! Find the most durable floor covering out there and stick with that. The Commercial Vinyl Tiles are good for this use.
Good luck to you and wish us luck as we are going through the exact same thing right now, but at least she is trying to clean up the mess.
-Barb E