@Wilson Churchill You're absolutely right about not getting insurance if you own enough properties, unless the insurance company offers some kind of "bulk package" that is significantly less expensive per unit than normally. Also, from what I've noticed, most of these insurance companies insure based on "rebuild cost", which is around $125/sqft in my city, while the houses I own (75yrs+ old) have a market value of $35-45k (or about $40/sqft). I'm forced to buy too much insurance - it's ridiculous. As soon as I hit 30 properties, I'm definitely going to call the insurer and tell them to get lost - self insurance is cheaper at that point.
@Jon Holdman You're probably right Jon, they send out these policy packets which I never read - and I'm the type that reads EVERY word in a contract I sign my name to, unless that contract is a booklet like these insurance packets are. I'm sure that packet states everything, but back to technicality - technically the insurance company is right, else they'd be sued and they'd change their ways by now. But from an ethical standpoint, I can't help but feel this is a not a good and honest business relationship between me and the insurer. For example, I point out to all my prospective tenants of extra expenses on top of rent: that their dog is an extra $20/month in rent and that they will need to purchase renter's insurance. I didn't have to take the time to point it out because it's buried deep in the lease agreement somewhere in fine letters, but I feel it's just an ethical thing to do. I don't get that same feeling with insurance companies.
@Aly W. Yes, the tenants did get a police report. They called me before the police, and I told them to call the police asap. Ironically, this was the first thing the insurance agent asked me "Do you have a police report for the vandalism?". Once they get the police report, it's proof it's vandalism comes the news : "I'm sorry sir, we like taking your up front cash, and I'm calling you on a Saturday because I can't wait to let you know you're not getting a dime from us so don't call us on Monday when we're busy coming up with more fine print". Those weren't their exact words. :-)