Disclaimer: I am not giving Tax advice and you should consult your tax advisor or CPA.
In 2018, I will be doing the following in order to potentially impact my W2 tax bill.
My wife is a stay at home mom (a huge sacrifice she made for the benefit of our kids and a mostly thankless and non-paid job). She will be getting her real estate license and are equal partners in this venture. She has already taken the classes and is scheduled to take the exams in the next month. Given that we file jointly at the end of the year, instead of having to keep deferring/carry over losses etc from real estate to the following tax year, we plan on deducting them a 100% against my W2 income. That is the the only viable way I have come up with to bypass the “real estate professional” exclusion which I am held to.
I am hoping that this approach and acquiring more real estate will hopefully have a big impact only tax bill at the end of the year.
I am still looking for other ways that will have an immediate and sizable impact on my W2 tax bill.