I find it interesting when such trends are made public to almost shock to public awake saying hey everyone not its time to get back into real estate. when I read things like this I am just reminded of the sheep mentality of following the crowd into every investment like before the sub prime blow up back in 07. This just reminds me of the Tulip Mania story that is history we all understand and can apply to any market place.
Its hard to say if Google was just used less in favor of other search engines or whether Google searches changed how they categorized searches but one thing is clear. The real estate market has been pretty slow since 2007. Its turned around a bit but for the most part whats kept people away is a lack of easy money at the main street level. While those with good credit and cash can participate the criteria for lending is stringent.
The days of cdo's being packaged and sold and debt swaps and deals to short such sub prime may gone but this was all new so. As the data compiled is sorted through by research teams that work for the trading giants like Bear Sterns and Goldman and JP and ect. Once the risk management understand all of what happened, this credit cycle will come roaring back. Bond traders have already used the failures in 2006 to 2009 to create new models that rate bonds with more transparency and less risk. Not any time soon though, our fiscal cliff will put a damper on that as the Fed crowds everyone out for borrowed money and interest rates climb.
Every cycle we go through has all these new things we create as humans. Imagine who ever thought, lets create credit default swaps on these sub prime mortgages so we can short this crap they are dumping on our desks in Wall street. Or so we can cover the losses that we created in the first place.
What I am trying to get at is the next real estate boom will be new and different like the last was. The market place has started to turn but its certainly going to be a slow battle for it to recover when in our global environment we are fighting the world for good jobs.
The deals are so easy to come by where I am that I dont even have to go to the internet. I just wait till i have a little money and every 6 months they have an auction selling 250 homes and I go hand pick a few properties to bid on and buy em. I hope the market stays crappy for just a few more years.
My crystal ball says higher inflation from QE then borrowing costs go up since capital is hard to come by and you have a sluggish market for some time. So you have to shift gears and build your portfolio now. The rental market has never been better;)
Cant wait for the future, I mean when I started in this game we didnt have yardi software and cell phones imagine having to develop pics to get condition reports lol. The future is bright! even with an economy that flat lines my personal economy has never been better.