I am seeing huge difference depending on the region and country. I was getting a 20+% ROI in Thailand and the Philippines properties I have and now with the lockdowns and countries not renewing Visa's ALL of my renters cancelled for the year so far. This was a significant cash injection into my business I have suddenly lost and no idea as to when it will return.
Properties in the USA have seen about a 50% loss in revenue with renters going on forbearance with paying rent. I just hope as landlords we will have the backing of the state and fed governments to re-coup the rent once all is done. I have some properties in Portland Oregon and that place is landlord hateful so I'm figuring they will allow renters to stay even if they never pay it back.
As for growth in the real estate market we just closed on 4 properties in the USVI both commercial and residential so we are expanding and opportunities are definitely presenting themselves during this time if you are cash heavy and able to invest. Good luck to all and stay safe.