We have a 5 bedroom 1 bath 2,196 sq ft property. The structure is for the most part like two shotguns home put together, because it has a middle wall going down most of the home.
We will convert the home to what I desired to be a 3/1 duplex, because my market best responds to 3 bedrooms and we have two properties which are 3/1 and 1,100 sq ft. In my mind, 2,196 in a half would allow at least a 1050 sq ft 3/1 on each side. Is my reasoning off in assuming this?
After going through some floor plans, we actually think a 2/2 with a laundry room would be best. HOWEVER, our investment strategy doesn't include two bedrooms due to the data showing people prefer at least 3 bedrooms. Generally speaking, in your experience, do tenants respond more positively to a 2/2 over a 2/1?
Each market is different but I would like suggestions.
Lastly, Have you ever seen a 3 bedroom 1 bath shotgun style home? Please refer me to any site .Thanks