Need some expert inputs if it's worth the investment needed to convert my current property to mid term/ STR with fully furnished.
I have a property right opposite to UT Arlington . Currently it has 6 rooms ( 5 bed and 1 additional room). common areas are fully furnished and bedrooms are unfurnished. They are managed by a company that rents by individual rooms. Currently I am getting like 170-1900 average after all expenses.
now I have a different company who's proposing the below. They would like to fully furnish the property and renting the house either long term or mid term or STR. Their goal is to maximize the occupancy.if they secure a mid term rental, they gonna do STR after the lease ends while they find another tenant. Here's the investment details
10k for revamp and fully furnishing
5k upfront fee for design and management
$500 flat fee for the management
FYI I have already spent like 15k on the property 2.5 years ago to set up.
Thanks for looking into this.