Thank you @Pamela DeLorenzo and @Mark Elliott, I apologize about my lack of responding I have not been availible.
Pamela, that's exactly what I needed, personal experience. What your saying makes sense, the smaller businesses will get put out of buisness, thus driving the locals and the local market down. Thank you for opening my eyes too that. Like you said there are always deals, maybe a vacation rental close to the casino would do well? Like air bnb or something similar. Although Schenectady is deffinatley not a popular attraction lol, only thing worth seeing is the casino.
Mark, that's kindve what I was just saying, deffinatley not built in a nice city. They are expecting the new casino to bring in people from even outside the capital district but that may be pretty optimistic. You guys are right, I realize now that it's probably not going to bring many new house buyers or anything or the sorts, just gamblers driving down for the day/night then heading right back up to their homes. Only spending their money strictly at the casino.