@Jaron Walling Thanks for the reply! This is just a general spreadsheet for calculating capex, regular expenses, vacancy, etc. I just wanted to make sure that 8.5% for vacancy, 7% for repairs, and 11% for prop management is relatively accurate. Also, these aren't problems that need fixed. I was just trying to put together what I should budget for capex. On page 117 of Brandon Turner's "The Book on Rental Property Investing" he has a chart to calculate capex and I did my best to recreate this with more accurate prices (in the book he only budgets $5000 to replace a roof). Here are some answers to your questions:
#1: I do not, I was thinking 25k for a "replacement" might be close, but I have no idea if I'm being honest. What would you budget for this capex?
#2 12K is supposed to be just for the cabinets and countertops (assuming brand new). What would you say is more accurate for a standard size kitchen with labor included in a 800-1200 sq ft home?
#3 Would the 6k with labor and materials be a more accurate estimate?