I have a small 2 BR rental in a great location in Salem ,OR. It's been producing a decent amount of passive income for the last few years which we've been very pleased with. We've received numerous inquiries from interested buyers about if we would want to sell. Up until now we just said no not interested mainly because we wanted to stick with our investment to see how it panned out. Now however, we're starting discuss ( my wife and I) how high an offer is high enough to make us let go of our little cash cow?
Property data:
2 BR 2 bath single family
Bought it in 2016 for $168K.
Over the last three years we profited after mortgage, management, tax, and maintainence approx $400.00
The market for downtown Salem is only going to get more aggressive so I don't foresee ever having a problem finding tenants.....
Your thoughts and experiences?
Also, I'm dislocated from the unit. I live in NC. So the idea would be IF we sold the house. Wed invest it in a prop closer to us (east coast)